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Error bars (style)

We show here a more complex example of error bars. Find out how the x/y direction is chosen, as well as the type or error (box or bar). Find a description of the error definition in the previous example

Along with setting the error type, you may also chose to make it in style ! Use .setErrorStyle( errorTypes, errorOptions ) to add styling to the top/bottom/left/right box or bar !

Source code

var seriedata = [],
  error = [];

for ( var i = 0; i < 5; i += 0.5 ) {
  seriedata.push( [ i, Math.sin( i ) ] );
  error.push( [
    [ false, [ ( 1 + Math.random() ) / 5, ( 1 + Math.random() ) / 5 ] ],
      [ Math.random() / 2, Math.random() / 2 ]
  ] );

var graphinstance = new Graph( domGraph, function( graphinstance ) {

  graphinstance.newSerie( "serieTest", {}, "scatter", function( serie ) {

      .setLabel( "My serie" )
      .setData( seriedata )
      .setDataError( error )
      .setErrorStyle( [ {
        type: 'bar',
        x: {}
      }, {
        type: 'box',
        top: {
          strokeColor: 'green',
          fillColor: 'olive'
        bottom: {
          strokeColor: 'red',
          fillColor: "#800000"
      } ] );

  } );

} );