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Track mouse

Use the mouse tracking functionnality to get feedback on your data where the mouse is located

Register a simple callback on the graph to enable interpolation calculation and access of the closest data points of each series.

Source code

var graphinstance = new Graph( domGraph, {

  onMouseMoveData: function( event, datas ) {

    datas.square = datas.square || {};
    $( this._dom ).children( '.data' ).html( ( 'Interpolated: x: ' + Math.round( datas.square.trueX * 100 ) / 100 ) + "; y: " + ( Math.round( datas.square.interpolatedY * 100 ) / 100 + "
X is between "
+ datas.square.xBefore + " and " + datas.square.xAfter ) ) } } ); $( graphinstance._dom ).append( "
); graphinstance.newSerie( "square", { trackMouse: true } ) .setLabel( "My serie" ) .autoAxis() .setLineColor( 'red' ) .setData( serie ) .setMarkers( [ { type: 1, zoom: 3, strokeColor: 'red', points: 'all' } ] ); graphinstance.newSerie( "round", { trackMouse: true } ) .setLabel( "My serie" ) .autoAxis() .setLineColor( 'green' ) .setData( serie2 ) .setMarkers( [ { type: 2, zoom: 3, strokeColor: 'green', points: 'all' } ] ); graphinstance.redraw(); graphinstance.drawSeries();
"); graphinstance.newSerie("square", { trackMouse: true } ) .setLabel( "My serie" ) .autoAxis() .setLineColor('red') .setData( serie ) .setMarkers( [ { type: 1, zoom: 3, strokeColor: 'red', points: 'all' } ] ); graphinstance.newSerie("round", { trackMouse: true } ) .setLabel( "My serie" ) .autoAxis() .setLineColor('green') .setData( serie2 ) .setMarkers( [ { type: 2, zoom: 3, strokeColor: 'green', points: 'all' } ] ); graphinstance.redraw( ); graphinstance.drawSeries(); })( "example-graph" ); });