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Slot optimization

Slot optimization can be used for monotoneously increasing x data. Unlike degrade, slot optimization does not average your data, hence you will not lose y information.

Slots use webworkers to precalculate your data at different zooming levels to optimize the rendering speed. It works really well with the XIsMonotoneous() which will play a role at the highest zoom levels (when slots aren't used)

Source code

var graphinstance = new Graph( domGraph, {

  close: false,

  plugins: {
    'zoom': {
      zoomMode: 'x'

  pluginAction: {
    'zoom': {
      shift: false,
      ctrl: false

  dblclick: {
    type: 'plugin',
    plugin: 'zoom',
    options: {
      mode: 'total'

  series: [ 'zone', 'line' ]

} );

//     graphinstance.setBottomAxisAsTime();

var s = graphinstance.newSerie( 'serie', {
    useSlots: true
  } )
  .setData([ 0 ] )
  .setLineColor( 'green' );

var s = graphinstance.newSerie( 'serie2', {
    useSlots: true
  } )
  .setData([ 0 ] )
  .setLineColor( 'red' );

graphinstance.getYAxis().setDisplay( false );
graphinstance.getXAxis().toggleGrids( false );
