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Degrade your serie by calling serie.degrade( pxPerPoint ). It will only display one point every pxPerPoint px, by averaging all the points within that range.

In addition, it records the min/max values within that particular pixel range and displays them in a zone serie.

serie.degrade() return the zone serie that you can use as a reference

This example has more than 1 million points ! Try to zoom on it to see how fluid it is

Degradation is also implemented for series set as { x: x0, dx: delta, y: [ ... ] } without assigning additional memory !

Source code

var serie = [];
var date = new Date();
date.setTime( 0 )

while ( date.getTime() < 86400000 * 6 ) {

  serie.push( date.getTime() );
  serie.push( Math.sin( date.getHours() / 24 * Math.PI + Math.random() / 5 ) );
  date.setSeconds( date.getSeconds() + 1 );

var graphinstance = new Graph( domGraph, {

  plugins: {
    'zoom': {
      zoomMode: 'x'

  pluginAction: {
    'zoom': {
      shift: false,
      ctrl: false

  dblclick: {
    type: 'plugin',
    plugin: 'zoom',
    options: {
      mode: 'total'
} );

//     graphinstance.setBottomAxisAsTime();

  .setData( serie )
  .degrade( 5 )
  .setFillColor( 'rgba(200, 0, 0, 0.2)' )
  .setLineWidth( 0 )
