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Time axis

Noone really wants to display epoch values on an x axis. You can use graph.setBottomAxisAsTime() to notify that the bottom axis should be timed.

It will enable a special rendering for the x axis shows the time according to the level of zooming you are using. It works great with the zoom plugin, with the data degradation and with the monotoneous option !

Source code

var serie = [];
var date = new Date();
date.setTime( date.getTime() - 86400000 * 3 )

while ( date.getTime() < ) {

  serie.push( date.getTime() );
  serie.push( Math.sin( date.getHours() / 24 * Math.PI + Math.random() / 5 ) );

  date.setSeconds( date.getSeconds() + 1 );

var graphinstance = new Graph( domGraph, {

  plugins: {
    'zoom': {
      zoomMode: 'x'

  pluginAction: {
    'zoom': {
      shift: false,
      ctrl: false

  dblclick: {
    type: 'plugin',
    plugin: 'zoom',
    options: {
      mode: 'total'

}, {
  bottom: [ {
    type: 'time'
  } ]
} );

  .setData( serie )
  .degrade( 2 )
  .setFillColor( 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)' )
  .setLineColor( 'transparent' );
